Domain Policy
Each registry has a policy document which will define the criteria for registration of domain names within the registry. Failure to adhere to the registry policy may result in loss of the rights to use the registered domain. Links to the policy documents for the domain types we can register are included on the individual product pages on the Domains menu of
In addition to the individual registry policy, Monaghan Consultants Ltd domain registration policy requires the following to be adhered to.
- The registrant MUST keep their domain contact details current. This may be via the Monaghan Consultants Ltd billing system / control panel or via direct registry systems where this is offered - Note: Where a domain is updated outside of the billing system, it is advisable to ensure that the billing system is also updated to ensure we are able to invoice you at renewal time. If we are unable to deliver your invoice your domain will be treated as no longer required.
- Domains that are not requested for renewal and paid for in full will be allowed to expire and will be deleted by the registry according to their policy except where this conflicts with registry policy. Note: Some registry policy is to auto-renew domains requiring a positive cancellation from the registrant.
- Domains not renewed prior to expiry may require payment of additional fees over and above the renewal fee
- Domains should not be registered where they contain a trademark or other intellectual property rights that you do not have the rights to use. By registering such a domain you accept that Monaghan Consultants Ltd may pass on any investigation fees or legal fees associated with the registration during the time we act as the registrar.
- Domains of a violent, political, sexual or criminal nature should not be registered. By registering such a domain you accept that Monaghan Consultants Ltd may pass on any investigation fees or legal fees associated with the registration during the time we act as the registrar.
- Transfer of domain names to an alternative registrar via an automated process is free of charge where there is no cost to Monaghan Consultants Ltd. Where the transfer is manual or there is an associated fee an additional fee will be charged to process the transfer request. Note: The registrant is responsible for any fees due to the alternative registrar.
To avoid confusion the following terms are defined
- Domain Name - A name or other chosen string of text
- Registrant - The legal entity paying for and using the domain
- Registrar - Monaghan Consultants Ltd
- Register - The list of domain names for a defined TLD
- Registry - The organisation responsible for maintaining the register
- TLD - The country code or specific suffix